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Important Tax Dates
Important Tax Dates
When you are a company, there are several important dates throughout the year. You should be aware of these, to make sure you file your taxes on time.
Date VAT declaration
To help you to declare your taxes on time, we have a simple list with important dates.
Dutch Income Tax Return
The Dutch tax return is an annual obligation for individuals and legal entities that earn income in the Netherlands. It is used to calculate and pay income tax and can be filed from March 1st and has to be submitted by May 1st.
Belgium: Customer Listing
The Belgian customer listing is an annual requirement for VAT-registered business owners. The customer listing contains details of transactions with customers. It must be submitted by 31 March via Intervat.
In the Netherlands, Budget Day is known as Prinsjesdag or ‘Prince’s Day’, and is held on the third Tuesday in September. The government also presents what the government policy will be for the next year. But what does this mean for you? For business owners there will also be some changes.
Important Tax Dates
When you are a company, there are several important dates throughout the year. You should be aware of these, to make sure you file your taxes on time.